
The star of Aï
Landscape itineraries
International landscape meetings
Literary week
Work in progress



The guests

Gilles Clément
Bernard Crettaz
Bernard Debarbieux
Albert Jacquard
Bernard Lassus
Claude Reichler
Raymond Vouillamoz
François Walter


Albert Jacquard

An ex-student of the Ecole Polytechnique de France, a doctor in genetics and mathematics, Albert Jacquard has been at the head of the genetics division of the INED since 1968. He has also been an expert in genetics for the WHO and a member of the national ethics committee. He has also taught in various European universities, including Paris VI, Geneva and Louvain-la-Neuve, whilst at the same time travelling across the world to make the public aware of questions touching the future of mankind.

Nowadays, besides dedicating more of his time to writing, he regularly takes part, both as scientist and humanist, in projects at an international level, in Europe, Asia and America. Faced with the importance of the problems faced by humanity as a whole, Albert Jacquard consecrates most of his activities to the diffusion of knowledge that helps the development of a collective consciousness. Fighting prejudice, he tries to communicate the urgent necessity to modify our values and our behaviour regarding life on Earth.


Selected bibliography :

  • Eloge de la différence : la génétique et les hommes, Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 2002
  • De l'angoisse à l'espoir : leçons d'écologie humaine, Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 2002
  • Science et citoyennet , Nantes : Ed. Pleins Feux, 2001
  • L'avenir n'est pas écrit, Paris : Bayard, 2001
  • La science à l'usage des non-scientifiques, Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 2001
  • Pour une terre de 10 milliards d'hommes, Cadeilhan : Zulma, 1998
  • Petite philosophie à l'usage des non-philosophes, Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 1997
  • Voici le temps du monde fini, Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 1993
  • L'héritage de la liberté : de l'animalité à l'humanitude, Paris : Ed. du Seuil, 1991
  • L'avenir d'un monde fini : jalons pour une éthique du développement durable : un dialogue entre Albert Jacquard et Hubert Reeves , Saint-Laurent : Fides, 1991.