
The star of Aï
Landscape itineraries
International landscape meetings
Literary week
Work in progress



The guests

Gilles Clément
Bernard Crettaz
Bernard Debarbieux
Albert Jacquard
Bernard Lassus
Claude Reichler
Raymond Vouillamoz
François Walter


Claude Reichler

Claude Reichler is professor of French literature and history of culture at the University of Lausanne. He was an invited professor in many universities in the United States and Europe. He was a fellow of the National Humanities Centre (United States) and of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science. His domains of research are French literature and history of culture. He has been particularly interested in travel tales: on one hand travels to America and descriptions on the contact between travellers and the indigenous peoples; on the other hand traverls in Switzerland and the Alpes. From there on he has studied landscapes. He now runs two research teams in this domain: “Le paysage : perceptions, représentations, theories” at the University of Lausanne; and “Le bon air des Alpes” at the Fonds national de recherche (project PRN 48).


Selected bibliography :

  • La Découverte des Alpes et la question du paysage, Genève : Georg éditeur, collection Le Voyage dans les Alpes, 2002
  • Le Voyage en Suisse (en collab. avec R. Ruffieux), Paris : éd. R. Laffont, collection Bouquins, 1998
  • L’Age libertin, Paris : éd. de Minuit, 1987
  • La Diabolie. La séduction, la renardie, l’écriture, Paris : éd. de Minuit, 1981.